Delanie's Writer's Desk

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Location: Oregon, United States

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

On my nightstand...

Currently I am reading the Dresden Files. I'm almost finished, haven't started "Turn Coat" yet but plan to soon. Overall it's a great series and Harry Dresden is an awesome character that finds himself in all types of trouble yet manages to get himself out. He's the only Wizard in the Chicago phone book.

For whatever reason, because there never is a dull moment with the characters and plot, it is still a slow read for me. If you can manage to get through the first few chapters things do start to pick up and you won't be able to put them down!

I'm Back

This is a blog post signifying that I am back. It's been ages since I've been on blogger! I hope to start this up again. There's so much going on and so much that has happened in the last, what? 5 years!

For now I am back and reading old posts.